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GFI EndPointSecurity

Network-wide control of portable storage devices


"Network-wide control of portable storage devices"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: GFI EndPointSecurity, confidential data or introducing viruses and Trojans to your network by taking control and data inputs and outputs for permission to block portable storage devices via provides.

GFI EndPointSecurity you active and Creative Zen) iPod, USB, media players, such as sticks (to manage user access allows CompactFlash memory cards, PDA, Blackberry, cell phones, CDs, floppies and more. Network with GFI EndPointSecurity Regain control!

Our device control solution managers active user access to manage the Creative Zen and others, iPod USB, CompactFlash, memory cards, CDs, floppy disks, such as stick allows media players and other storage devices, PDA, Blackberry, mobile phone and similar communication devices Network cards, laptop computers and other network connections.

users can use removable media centrally from Active Directory - just by making them members can define a pre-defined groups. it used to or use
-Password protected agents
intervention to prevent-Set of devices currently

Scan to detect and drop a list-specific messages to users when a device
-People's use of user activity and device use to prevent a back-end database through a specific number of days older than he lets delete the information
-Maintenance function logs
download now free-sen GFI EndPointSecurity 4 in any language support for Unicode-compliant operating systems.

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